Difference between WordPress Pages and Posts

A question we are often asked is “What is the difference between WordPress Pages and WordPress Posts?”

Posts belong to a date in time

Typically posts form a part of a timeline and have a publish date / time that is intrinsic to the content. When you consider the history of WordPress as a blogging platform, this makes sense.

A post may be a news item, a blog entry or a diary entry. It could be a press release released on a certain date or a news story about your organisation

Typically, posts will not be updated on an ongoing basis - for example News items relating to an event would exist within their own individual news posts published at a specific time - you would not usually update a single news post with updated content.

Posts support Categories and Tags whereas Pages do not (usually)

An index of Posts are often presented on a WordPress page, such as a Latest News page. Think of individual posts as news stories within a newspaper.

Pages Form Website Structure

The pages of your WordPress website typically form the site structure. For example, these can be your Home page, your About Us page, Contact page, Terms & Conditions, News Index page, Team page etc. Typically, this is content that doesn't change along a timeline or belong to a specific date in time. Pages may be edited or updated to reflect updated structure - for example a team member may be added or removed from a page

Other Post Types

It is possible to create additional content types that can be used as required on your WordPress website to reflect certain requirements. For example eCommerce packages will create a post type called Products - Products are not news stories, nor are they structural content of the website, a Product is a specific content type of it's own.

Some themes or plugins will add other content types. Common examples include Projects, Portfolio items or Team Members
Article published 22nd June 2022
Last modified 02nd November 2023
