Upgrade to PHP 7.3 – eXtend

Our eXtend servers are being updated to support newer versions of PHP, but at the time of writing this article not all of the servers are completed. Therefore, the highest PHP version that we provide on our standard packages is 7.3.

To upgrade to PHP 7.3, follow the steps below

Login to your eXrend Hosting account

  • How to: Login to your Web Hosting account
  • Locate and open the Filemanager

    Edit or create the file /public_html/.htaccess

  • How to: Create a new file in eXtend Control Panel
  • How to: Edit a file in eXtend Control Panel
  • Add the following code to .htaccess

    AddHandler application/x-httpd-php73 .php .php5

    Save the file

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    Order our paid support product
    Article published 22nd November 2021
    Last modified 16th June 2023
