Email support for people who don't know what the problem is, don't want to diagnose it and just want the problem fixed!
To combat spam and email spoofing, many email services now require the addition of SPF and DKIM records to domain names. These can be installed easily from the cpanel interface at no additional cost using the instructions provided in the accompanying article. If you prefer though, we can install these records for you with our premium service.
You will need to install these records for each domain you send emails from.
£17.50 – £35.00
Our self serve system allows you to setup new email accounts in your web hosting dashboard, and this process is described in our knowledgebase. This is quite a simple task, but if you prefer, we can do this for you. We'll set up up-to three new email addresses - either inboxes or forwarders to your requirement and provide you with the passwords.
Resetting email passwords is a simple task fully described in our knowledgebase, but if you'd rather we did this for you, choose this service. We will reset up-to three email account passwords if specified at the time of ordering.
Your email inbox has a selection of tools to help control spam which can be managed from your hosting control panel. These tools are documented in our knowledgebase at support.watchthedot.com. Choose this product if you'd like us to modify your spam settings for you. We will make up to three updates for you as you experiment with the correct settings for your inbox.
£70.00 – £100.00
General technical support time for any non-specific problem relating to your Website, Email, Domain name or related services
* All prices are exclusive of VAT and are based on standard priority request where the supported system has been configured in a standard manner. High and urgent priority requests are charged at 1.5 and 2 times the standard fee respectively. None standard system configurations may incur a diagnostic fee.