Configure Google Maps API for WordPress

Your WordPress website may contain a Google Map, and it’s not uncommon to see a map with the error “This Page can’t load Google maps correctly”. There can be many reasons for this, but the most likely reason is that you do not have a Google API key installed with the relevant API permissions set.

The short guide gives you the basic method for acquiring an API key. The method for setting this will depend on how your website is configured.

Navigate to the Google API Console and Create a project

  • Navigate to
  • Login with your Google account
  • Select "New Project"
  • Fill in the New Project Form

  • Give the project a memorable name
  • Select a billing profile to determine how API usage will be paid for - you will need to set this up in your Google Account. Google Maps pricing can be found here and includes 28500 map loads free of charge.
  • Select an Organization or accept the defaults
  • Note: You must have Billing enabled for the project.

    Enter APIs Selection Screen

  • Make sure your project is selected in the Project selector
  • Click "+" next to "Enable APIs and Services
  • Select "Maps Javascript API"

    Select "Enable"

    Create "Credentials"

  • Select "Credentials"
  • Click "Create Credentials"
  • Select "API Key"
  • Copy API Key and Install on Website

    Installation of API key will depend on you Website. Many WordPress themes include a space within the theme options for the Google API Key.
    Article published 20th June 2022
    Last modified 02nd November 2023
