Disable the cPanel ModSecurity Firewall

Our servers have a built in Firewall to protect your website against attacks. These use a scoring system and can sometimes be triggered incorrectly by multiple wrong passwords or other factors including unsafe IP addresses.

If you believe you are triggering the firewall in error, you can disable the ModSecurity module. You are also able to re-enable this as required.

Use the reCaptcha to Unblock Yourself

In the first instance, you may need to unblock your own access. You can do this by clicking the reCaptcha check box on the block screen. If this doesn't work, you can renew your IP address by rebooting your router if possible to gain access. Otherwise you will need to wait for the firewall to time out. The default period is 30 minutes.

Login to your cPanel Web Hosting account

  • How to: Login to your Web Hosting account
  • Locate ModSecurity Icon

    Disable or Enable ModSecurity as required

    Article published 07th April 2022
    Last modified 16th June 2023
