WordPress is simple to install on cPanel using the Softaculous WordPress Manager following these steps.
Install WordPress on cPanel using Softaculous
Login to your cPanel Web Hosting Account
Locate the WordPress Manager Icon
This can be found under the Software heading. Click on the icon to access the WordPress Manager tool.
Click Install to install a new installation of WordPress
Fill in the form with relevant information
You will need to enter the following information:
The URL of your website. The defaults will usually be sufficient but you may need to install an SSL certificate if using the secure https version (recommended)
Enter the username and password you wish to give to the admin user. It is recommended you do not use 'admin', 'administrator', 'manager' or other guessable words for the admin username
Enter the email address of the admin user
Click Install
Login to WordPress by adding /wp-admin to you website URL
You should now be able to login using the username and password you created in the steps above.
Article published 15th June 2023
Last modified 15th June 2023